My jungle retreat where twenty of my kinfolks gathered for a sleep over, barbecue, story-telling and a walk in the jungle!
Iman Azura and Ika, my nieces finally went to bed at three in the morning.
The early risers, two of my brattiest grand nieces Anis(in white) and Sarah (in red).
My other grand-nieces Faris and Shahira. Shahira asked: "Tok Lang what are you doing!" and I said: "Shhhhhh! I just want to embarrass you parents to the world!" She said: "Okay!"
The two brats again!
Spill over in a tents!
My cute niece Iman Azura and her favourite uncle!
Thats all we did eat!
It took me months to gather twenty five member of my family, including my 89-year-old mother Siti Awa Jaman, at our jungle retreat and finally two weekends ago I pulled it off. They came and they slept by the verandah on the kitchen floor and they love it.
One of my cute nieces, Roza, said just moved the coffee table and the sofas and "let sleep on the floor, as long as there bare no creepy crawlies," she said.
Five slept on the serambi using army cots and the rest in the kitchen, and many more in a pop tent.
So we barbecue chicken, beef, fish, hot dogs, corns, beef burger and we also barbecue vegetable such as aubergines (terong), ladyfingers. Oh yes we also barbecue one of littlest member of our just joking!
At night we were telling stories and once in a while we ill jump when we hear strange noises coming at the back in the jungle. So the verdict? They all want to do it again. Enjoy the pictures!