Thursday, April 5, 2007

Love our river campaign, but raw sewage being dumped into river!


If you drive over the elevated highway from Ampang heading for, say KLCC and before you reach the toll plaza you will be greeted with a hazardous pong, a smell that can even penetrate a well sealed posh cars that Malaysians are fond of showing off!

The smell came from a sewerage treatment pond that apparently has gone busted and now being diverted into the Klang river.

In spite of our economic take off status we still dump our shit into the river and this can pose serious health hazard. Why the Ampang Municipal Council (MPAJ) did not act to arrest the problem is beyond my understanding.

Forget about the government of the day, if our state of health is compromised we might as well close shop as a developing country when we cannot even manage the disposal of our shit! MPAJ please take note that people in Ampang are not happy!


Anonymous said...

Yes we must take care of our river one day it will be used as drinking water, already our PM said we must drink rain water, now river water is polluted with shit it will be hard to drink from it!

Thank You.

SP said...

Hi Rusdi! This is Sreejit here. Hey how are you?? We lost touch years ago. I blog too when i have time I do hope that we can keep in touch. By the way, swell house man!!

Anonymous said...

Welcome aboard to you..

Pak Idrus said...

Rusdi, I live in Ampang Jaya, I know the smell, not only there but also the small river behind the big Patronas station and near Ampang Point. Its smell bad as you cross the bridge. The irony is that there is a Cendol/Rojak stall beside the treatment area. I believe it is the effluent of the treatment plant that are discharged into the small river, thus the smell. I hope Indah Water or the relevant authorities would look into this. Thanks.

Clark Gable of Pulau Duyong said...

Dear Sir ,
Wellcome to Malaysia,land of beautiful river!!

Happy Blogging

Anonymous said...

The authorities that should be concerned with raw sewage flowing into the river are:

Indah Water Konsortium Sdn Bhd(IWK), the national sewerage company (wholly-owned by the Minister of Finance Incorporated), and responsible for providing sewerage services, operating and maintaining all public sewage treatment plants.

Sewerages Servces Department(SSD) and Department of Environment(DOE)both the Regulators of IWK. These are Federal Government Departments

The Ministry of Health and the Local Authorities (both in Ampang and downstream of the discharge point) should be concerned due to the public health implications.


Anonymous said...

What do we aspect from MPAJ ? Do you think they will go out and find these people who pollute the river. Do you know that "longkang" near of their office also dirty and full with scrap. If you don't trust me, go to Bandar Baru Ampang and check the "longkang" especially infront of mamak restaurant. The "longkang" is full with water mix with grease. Why they don't imposed that all restaurant required to install Grease / Oil Trap. This water surely go back to the river and make the river worst.

Anonymous said...

Hi Rusdi,

Didn't mentioned to me earlier that you have joined the bloggers' communities. Way to go and I'm proud of you. I do agree that mankind have been cruel to keep and cherished our mother nature including the rivers. Anyway, happy blogging ;)!


Shanghai Fish said...

Indah Water is a fake set-up,just like a get-rich-quick scheme by some crony during the last administration...You tell me why we should pay Indah Water ? Firstly when we pay our assessment to that Napoleon-run local councils we are paying for 1)street lighting 2)drainage surrounding our premise 3)garbage collection 4) sewerage (shit man shit !)
So back to Indah water... if at all they are doing anything to the cleaniness of our homes,let alone your drains that flow into the rivers ...should'nt our Assessment rates by the morons at the local council be lowered ? because they (IWK) have reduced the burden from the moronic Local Councils, right ? and shouldn't IWK be billing the Local Council for the supposedly work done (if they claim to have done it anyways ) ???
Remember the morons at IWK even tried to incorporate their billing into our electric or water bills at one time,remember ? You din't sign with no "shit company" ,right?
Why then do we have to pay to IWK ? We have NO CONTRACT signed with IWK ! When we purchase a home we sign documents with the developer, local councils,land office(read the SPA lah! ) TNB,PAUS and if you install a phone-line, we sign with TM, right?
So morons in IWK actually think they got us by the balls and can sue us huh? Think again, at an average a house-hold is billed around RM48-RM60 per year...and after much legal notices to us and with accumulated arrears maybe IWK can make you a bankrupt in about 40 years from now...heh...heh.remember you are ajudged a bankrupt only if you are in excess of RM30,000.00 owing... Think man Think carefully we are dealing with shit man..tread carefully !Cheers,man and don't you dare repeat my name in the same breath as the morons...!You are lucky I know your family.. heh...heh...cheers bro !

Anonymous said...

Hi Rusdi,

You should take pictures and blow up the story and also give it to the YDP of MPAJ of this 2 shops Kedai Ikan Kuan Sang & Perabot Mun Onn)along the Middle Ring Road heading towards Zoo Negara. One is a fish aquarium shop and the next is rattan furniture shop of a ex MPAJ Councillor and see how the pollute the Klang river behind their shop. Wonder if their have MPAJ business licence or MPAJ close one eye.

Imagine how the Gombak Land office could approve their application for TOL land just next to a Highway causing frequent accidents as customer park their car at the highway to make a purchase.

Ah, transparency!!!!!!!

Anonymous said...

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Istana Seri Menanti

Istana Seri Menanti
The old Istana which is now a museum.