Once the Canadian government imported a specie of grass carp, a type of fish, from China to be used to help control its fresh water lake environment from unwanted pest. Then many years later the carp became an environmental hazard when a full grown of about five pounds carp can easily gobbled other floating animals such as baby duck and other small creature.
So the story goes the provincial government placed signages at strategic part of the lakes and the signs read: "Wanted Illegal Immigrants Dead or Alive", in reference to the grass carp. Today the species is under control and has become part and parcel of the flora and fauna of Canada.
Then back to us, my home state of Negeri Sembilan has imported Anaconda from South America, and today 13 little babies have been born from one single "immigrant mother".
Anaconda is somewhat related to the python, although it is from the new world species.
They are now doing well and ready to procreate, if not controlled, at a recreational park of Hulu Bendol, about twenty minutes drive from Seremban.
This new snake center, mainly from the constrictor family namely python, is a nice place for an educational visit to learn more about snakes.
My only concern is, are we prepared for a foreign snake species that might have the chances to escape into our fragile environment and spread.
Dear sir,
Thank you for the comment for the Python park. I'm one of the staff of the python park. Here we are trying our best to educate the public about the awareness of reptiles. For the Anaconda, they are under Boidae family and they "give birth" to their youngs. So, if you have any question about snakes, do feel free to come to the python park and ask questions. We try our best to answer it.
Thank you.
Dear Mr Rusdi...the man from the land of minangkabau!!! opps did I get that spelling right? How r u bang? Anyway was just wondering how come u took so much time doing research on snakes around the globe, when u could get em all in Malaysia. We have all kinds of snakes here from that which slitters to that which walks. Just call out a snake and out it comes from some bush or mansion. Now try shouting KJ, or even Pak Lah for the matter...sure something come out one!!!! I meant the snakes!
puchong landoftinmines...where no Astro can receive any transmission...Retna you old buggeroo how are you man...yes many snakes in Malaysia!
I'm am so afraid of snakes... please forgive me if I tend to stay away from all place that have snakes....
monster mom, you have to move to Ireland St Patrick drove the last snake long time ago from that country! No snakes there!
Are they kept in a close environment?
anonymous...I hope so!
I have a cobra under my care, but that's least of our concerns.
Our lakes are now filled with peacock bass, imported as aqaurium fish some decades ago, but some irresponsible people let them go into our eco system. The North Americans are really good at complaining. It isn't surprising that with the size of brains available to the masses there, the Canadian Government can call the grass carp which they imported, suddenly a pest. I read a few months back that the snakehead (haruan) has caused a stir in the US by making its presence felt in their eco system. Of course a fish like that has caught many an angler by surprise with its fighting spirit and addictive power. Now they are becoming targets of bounty hunters, with local governments paying for the capture of haruan. Man, I wish MPSJ would do the same.
Which brings us to the question of how come you're here. It is worrying when foreigners suddenly calls Negri Sembilan his home State... You see if humans can do it, so can fish and snakes.
That does not look like spaghetti! Yikes! I can't stand snakes :-(
hello brother...please la update yr blog!
ronggo lama tak bersua apa khabar, cuba baca blogaku yang satu lagi tapi aku tak boleh beri nama nya nanti orang tahu.
Aku akan cuba update kan nya nanti taruk cerita anak cucu aku yang baru lahir di dunia di kampung. Tapi bosan lah nak menulis memandang keadaan bangsa aku sekarang. Cuma aku kesian dengan apa akan jadi dan untung nasib dia bila besar nanti sebab orang Melayu dah hancur lebur jadi debu di dunia politik.
I don't why they even bothered. We have really exotic species in our political scene...ulars, all of them! Some can even take off your Seiko when shaking your hand. Others just subcontract the police contract to the Israelis. These are world class "glokal" serpents in our midst. Better still, we can see them free!
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